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What Shall I Do To Inherit Eternal Life DVD

WSID1-D What Shall I Do To Inherit Eternal Life DVD

Margaret Davis Seminar on Righteousness By Faith.  A biblical and Spirit of Prophecy seminar designed to answer life’s most important question, “What Shall I Do To Inherit Eternal Life?”  This 6 hour series presents, in a simple, practical and concise way, the steps to salvation.  This seminar brings together numerous areas dealing with the experiential aspects of the Christian life.  The Lord has told us,  “The precious gems of the righteousness of Christ, and the truths of divine origin, are to be carefully searched out and placed in their proper setting . . . Let the bright jewels of truth which God gave to man, to adorn and exalt His name, be carefully rescued from the rubbish of error. . . Let the gems of divine light be reset in the framework of the gospel.” RH 10-23-1894  All who are struggling in their Christian experience will be tremendously blessed and encouraged as they learn and apply the principles presented in this seminar. Includes the book What Shall I Do To Inherit Eternal Life. 3 DVD $35.00




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