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Hymns Through the Centuries Vol.1 CD OP TWO LEFT

HTTC1-D Hymns Through the Centuries Vol.1 CD

Cathedral Choral Society perform with Organ, Carillon, and Peal Bells offer 27 familiar hymns such as When in our Music God is Glorified, Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones, A Mighty Fortress, Where Cross the Crowded Ways of Life, O Sacred Head sore Wounded, All Glory Laud and Honor, Abide with Me, My Shepherd will Supply My Need, Come Ye Thankful People Come, Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence, Rock of Ages, Praise My Soul the King of Heaven, Come Risen Lord, Eternal Father Strong to Save, Amazing Grace, Holy Holy Holy, Nearer My God to Thee, Dear Lord and Father of Mankind, In Christ there is no East or West, Were You There, Crown Him with Many Crowns, Word of God Come Down on Earth, The Churchs One Foundation, God of Our Fathers, Father in Thy Gracious Keeping.




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