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The Ten Commandments

TTCO3-B The Ten Commandments

The importance of a series of studies on the Decalogue is emphasized by the fact that it deals with the summary of all truth and therefore embraces "the whole duty of man". The Law of God demands a careful and prayerful consideration by every free moral agent living under its jurisdiction and subject to its penalties. Obedience to it is the evidence of love and loyalty, and has in all ages been the distinguishing mark that has separated the worshipers of the true God from the devotees of all false deities and counterfeit religious concepts.Through the gospel the same eternal law that sums up all human duties and relationships is rewritten by the Holy Spirit on the fleshy tables of the heart. The New Covenant experience magnifies and enforces the righteous demands of the Law in the daily life, so that one can say with Christ, "I delight to do Thy will, O my God yea, Thy law is within my heart."  Taylor G. Bunch PB 152 pg.




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