The last book of Scripture blends a rich imagery—strange animal-like beings that roam heaven and terrorize earth, life and death battles between some of these beasts and God's people, blinding scenes of heaven itself in dazzling color, and a cacophony of moans and laments as well as the harmony of melodious voices praising God. But what do all these mind-boggling symbols mean? Can the contemporary Christian make sense out of this strange mixture of drama, color, and sound? The author of Christ of the Revelation insists that we can. Although the word apocalypse (another name for the Book of Revelation) can mean something obscure and difficult, "in actual fact, the word signifies just the opposite," writes Dr. Zurcher. The reason for such strange symbolism was also the reason Christ spoke in parables: "For His disciples the parables were intended to be a revelation of divine mysteries, whereas for the enemies of Christ they were intended to remain mysteries. Jean Zurcher PB 128 pg