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Reversing Hypertension Naturally DVD

RHNA1-D Reversing Hypertension Naturally DVD

Join Dr. David DeRose in this three-part series as he helps you understand the dangers of high blood pressure and then provides strategies to help you control or even reverse it naturally!

Hypertension Facts:

  • Approximately one in three adults in the United States has high blood pressure; millions more are destined to develop the condition as they age.
  • It is a serious condition that increases one’s risk of heart attack, heart failure, stroke, kidney failure, and blindness.
  • Because high blood pressure often has no symptoms, it typically undermines our health silently.
  • Lifestyle and other natural approaches can help most people control their blood pressure without medications.

Included are the keys you need to help chart a medication-free course toward fighting this deadly and debilitating disease!




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