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The resurrection of Jesus? A man, dead for days, returning to life? Seriously? Serious enough that the entire Christian hope rests upon that claim. And that’s not us saying it—but the apostle Paul. “And if Christ is not risen,” he declared, “your faith is futile; you are still in your sins!” (1 Corinthians 15:17). With so much riding on Christ’s resurrection (our hope of eternal life), suppose the evidence for it is so compelling, so logical, and so solid that it takes a leap of faith, piggy-backed on some far-fetched speculation, in order to deny it? Suppose belief in the resurrection of Jesus is—given the evidence—by far the most rational and sensible explanation of events? And that’s exactly what this book claims: reasons for belief in the resurrection of Jesus are vastly more credible than reasons to deny it. In this fast-paced, tightly argued examination of the events that followed Jesus’ death on the cross, Risen looks at claims made by skeptics in order to deny the Resurrection as the explanation for those events.  Clifford Goldstein PB 255 pg




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