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King James Westminster Reference Bible KJV

KJWR1-B King James Westminster Reference Bible KJV

Bound in premium calfskin leather, this recently developed new setting of the Authorised (King James) Version contains more than two hundred thousand cross-references, most from John Brown of Haddington's Self-Interpreting Bible. It also includes the original marginal notations provided by the translators and official revisers of the Authorised Version, plus the Society's Bible Word List. To accommodate the large number of references, the Westminster Bible has two outside margins on each page. Other features of the Westminster include chapter summaries, an explanation of some of the features of the text of the AV, an extensive concordance, and eight all-new full-colour maps prepared exclusively for the Westminster Bible. The appendices include other new material specifically designed for the Westminster: a chart of monies, weights and measures, and an improved 139-page concordance.




Copyright © 2012, Orion Publishing